We get lots of enquiries about “Chargebacks”.
The unlegislated arrangement whereby card providers (seemingly always) decide in a consumer’s favour and return monies to the cardholder’s account on the presumption that the consumer is always right and cars are always defective.
As one letter we had in from a very well known company (who shall remain anonymous) reminded us – as we remind you now – “credit cards and debit cards do not offer a guaranteed form of payment for goods or services. Each transaction undertaken is subject to return by the card issuer even if authorisation has been obtained and all standard sales procedures have been followed. Disputes regarding the quality of goods and services are included…”
The problem I have is that it is the card issuer becomes the sole judge in such disputes regardless of merit and I feel that often they bend far too easily towards whoever screams at them the loudest which, inevitably, will be the consumer.
Would you ever think that in the school play, aged 7, I was Snow-White’s “Grumpy” Dwarf?!
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