Avoid test drive troubles

legal updates

Ensure you have sufficient paperwork with all the necessary T’s & C’s.

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What checks do you carry out before you allow a potential customer to take a vehicle for a spin?

We have heard some horror stories, a £30k shiny Range Rover ends up in a ditch driven by an unaccompanied potential customer or even the vehicle never being returned…

It may seem obvious to some, but simple checks such as checking if the potential client actually have a license is a must!

–    Ensure you have sufficient paperwork with all the necessary  T’s & C’s

The paperwork should at least contain terms relating to any damage caused will be the liability of the driver, confirming they have been shown how to operate the vehicle and confirming they hold a valid license.

–    Check with your insurers you have sufficient insurance for test drives and if they require any further checks – you don’t want them trying to wriggle out of a claim due to a loop hole!

–    Check the driving licence, take a photocopy. Two forms of ID is always better than one.

–    Accompany the potential client on the test drive

–    Take sufficient time to ensure the controls of the vehicle are explained

Whilst it may seem additional paperwork and time, in the event a test drive doesn’t go to plan, you have everything in place to cover yourself.

Octane FinanceFuel Your Finance

Octane Finance is the broker of choice for new and used car dealers nationwide. With our uncompromising service levels and our genuine and professional approach, you and your customers can trust us to deliver.

Roxanne BradleyLegal AdvisorRead More by this author

Related Legal Updates

Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away!!

Should you receive a PCN, you must contact the DVLA with all the evidence you have so they can change the registered keeper on their database.

Advise the DVLA of any change of vehicle colour

Any change that makes a vehicle a predominantly different colour must be reported.

Customer’s vehicle damaged in your care

It is down to the Bailor to check the insurance position with the Bailee if they have any concerns.

Personal Injury Claims

Your insurers will know exactly what to do to ensure the rules are followed, and therefore, the Claimant will not win on a technicality.

Divorcing couples and their cars

The vast majority of cases are not theft. They are civil disputes and for this reason we would initially recommend speaking to a solicitor or Citizens Advice.

Insurers lose Business Interruption Insurance Appeal

Business Interruption insurance came to prominence in 2020 due to the policies which have cover for disruption caused by infectious/notifiable diseases.

Driving a vehicle under the Driving Other Cars extension on your insurance policy

Always make sure that you have the appropriate cover on any vehicle that you or your business use as it could be much more costly than you think.

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