Premises to close but both Click & Collect and Click & Deliver are options. All sales during this lockdown will include the 14 days period in which the customer can change their mind and get a refund.
Dealers must use the correct Distance Sales paperwork to:
a) comply with the law and
b) protect themselves and minimise any loss.
Northern Ireland
Premises to close and no Click & Collect is allowed either. Click & Deliver is the only option here and this too includes the 14 days period in which customer can change their mind and return the vehicle – see our Distance Sales advice.
The Tier 4 rules which allow outdoor car lots to stay open and allow test drives is still live on the Scottish Government site but changes are to be made from 8 January and it is not clear if this will affect the current rules for car dealers. Regardless, Click & Collect and Click & Deliver with the 14 days period in which customers can change their mind and return the vehicle still applies – see our Distance Sales advice.
As in England, premises to close but both Click & Collect and Click & Deliver are options. All sales during this lockdown will include the 14 days period in which the customer can change their mind and get a refund.
Dealers must use the correct Distance Sales paperwork to:
a) comply with the law and
b) protect themselves and minimise any loss.
Available on all your devices via your web browser or the dedicated MotorDesk desktop and mobile apps.
Sensibly, the guidance states “Shops should also ensure if possible that customers do not have to enter indoor sections of closed retail premises to collect goods” which means for car dealers who have paperwork to sign etc, it is OK for customers to step inside a showroom. We would recommend a small reception area is made available at the entrance of any showroom for this purpose while clearly marking the main showroom area as closed to the public.