It is normal to feel strongly about customers who complain about vehicles you sell, however, it is always best to remain professional within correspondence. In these scenarios, it is not always best to ask for forgiveness than permission…
Of course, nobody wants to be told they haven’t done their job correctly or not followed legal procedures when running their business, but there is likely to be a first for everything, and in this industry, it will not be the last. Whilst it is normal to feel anxious or worried about the process of a dispute, it is likely, if not certain, to put you in a weaker position if you say or write something to the consumer that could affect the amicable level of the dispute.
It is also worth bearing in mind that should you email the consumer with comments you may later regret, and the consumer goes to court with their claims, your emails may be presented to a judge for review and to decide on how you have handled the matter before the court’s involvement.
Aside from the contents of the email, if the matter was mishandled or delayed for unnecessary reasons, you are likely to be locked into a process that may take years to conclude.
Therefore, should you have any correspondence with the consumer either over the phone or in written communication, always maintain your professionalism. If you have any doubts, remember as a Lawgistics member, we can handle the matter on your behalf or provide telephone advice for simpler enquiries.

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