While Lawgistics was set up for the Motor Trade and retail sector, we are delighted to see that we have a substantial client base entrenched in the world of high performance and tuning. Some Clients are motor sport based, where the problems faced are sometimes similar to the retail sector, but which often involve large investment and urgent response times.
Motor Sport is bound to attract both the self-made and the innately successful customer. In many cases they indulge their passion through the fruits of their career, which can mean the cost of the hobby is defrayed through their company. Some use the sport as a promotional tool; such a dynamic way of exposing their particular product, can prove immensely beneficial. When Yardley Cosmetics chose the BRM Formula One team to penetrate the UK market (at that time they were little known), their sales multiplied exponentially. Linked to a very British race team they enjoyed huge success and were able to more than justify their investment.
Working for a self-made businessman, who has made competition his hobby and occasionally, his validation, can prove demanding, for such people have, in their minds, achieved their success by dint of their own judgement and prowess. While they make high demands, they also scrutinize every bill and demand to know why the car blew up on Sunday when they call their tuner first thing Monday!
Those who run a specialist business in the area of motorsport are by their nature, born enthusiasts. This can lead, on rare occasions, to a focus not on business results, but on track results. While understandable, such a skewed approach is not always good for the long-term health of the company.
Watching the fruits of your labour swing into the winner’s enclosure to take the laurels can be immensely gratifying and commercially invaluable. However, looking on forlornly as the customer’s car is brought back on a towrope will cause the most battle-hardened to feel a great sense of dejection and possibly failure. This unavoidably is part of the territory.
Creating a car intended to win against others of similar class, is to create a unique machine. If it is to win, it HAS to be better than the others, which by its nature makes it different and thus experimental. All Formula One cars are high speed laboratories, in which a 90 minute Grand Prix is in fact a test of theory, practice and intelligence gathering, with a view to improvement for the next race.
The way in which the makers of a grand prix car might approach their task is not unlike the designers and makers of shoes, furniture, road cars, shampoo or anything else that has to compete in a crowded consumer market, save for the necessity in motorsport, to make it happen in minutes, not months . In all cases, some products will be experimental until accepted as viable. While the High Street is still the place to shop (perhaps not for much longer), it is worth remembering that most products seen there, from fashions to Phones, are the result of someone inventing, designing and then making an experimental version before putting it into production. Not all tests will succeed in highlighting inherent weaknesses. It is the way in which such problems are resolved that make the real difference between a winner and a loser!

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