Terms and conditions (T&Cs) are one of those long and cumbersome documents that some people do not read and simply click to accept. However, do you understand what have you agreed to and what position this may put you in months down the line?
These issues have been raised to us and guidance has been sought on how to navigate solutions.
Long story short, you should carefully read any T&Cs provided to you and seek to ensure you understand any implications that your agreement may impose on you in the future. A lot of contracts for services may lock you in for a specified period, so think about where you may be within that timeframe. Should you have an issue, follow the processes outlined in the terms (if provided) to seek a solution.
It is difficult, if not impossible, to try and break out of a contract to which you have agreed terms for, as ultimately you wish to break those terms. There may be cancellation fees or even having to pay the full term of the contract regardless of how long you have remained in the contract with the other person or business.
If you are not happy with the T&Cs provided, then you are not obliged to sign up for them.
It is always worth reading the T&Cs in detail and raising questions before signing any contracts. Ensure to keep a copy of the T&C documents somewhere accessible so you can easily get to them when or if they are needed.
On average 55 vulnerabilities are identified daily.
What can I do?
Review your organisations priorities and ask ‘can we afford a breach?’. What do I do during an incident? Who do I involve? When do I involve the ICO?
If you’re unable to answers these questions, you need help from the experts.