From May this year, there will be three new categories of caution created in the MOT Inspection of motor vehicles.
Issues inspected which are categorised as “DANGEROUS” will qualify for an automatic failure. The tester will have the discretion to ban the removal of a vehicle so assessed from the testing premises other than on a trailer if it is no longer regarded as safe to drive away.
Issues categorised as “MAJOR” may create the same obligation not to allow the car back on the road until corrected or it might be possible to say the vehicle can be driven away but will fail the inspection until corrected.
Issues categorised as “MINOR” will not induce a failure but should be corrected as soon as possible.
Examples of the above might include dampness around a shock absorber (minor leak), to a steady flow of oil from the shock absorber (major leak), to shock absorber detached (dangerous).
Following the VW scandal it is no wonder that emissions analysis are being tightened on diesel cars. There will now be a range of readings that will govern whether the car is compliant or not.
Lipped brake discs, oil contamination on brakes, wheel and hub security are all listed for more careful scrutiny from May.
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