If imitation be the sincerest form of flattery, plagiarism must be the sincerest form of theft. Of course it is really the sincerest form of laziness.
We at Lawgistics pride ourselves in offering fair advice, straightforward advice, original solutions. This means that we often look at the problems presented to us in a new and sometimes different way. In consequence, we can occasionally offer a unique approach, based on our interpretation of the law, that results in a quick, efficient resolution of an otherwise tricky situation.
When we give out advice, we do so for the benefit of our Clients, who appreciate that we can only guide. We do not offer such advice to the world at large, nor do we invite others to copy our work and post it on their own ‘advice website’ and claim it as their own.
Recently, we discovered that Lucy Bonham Carter @ dealerclub.co.uk, set herself up as a lawyer offering advice to the motor traders and consumers . Laudable though her aspirations were, they fell somewhat short of her purported expertise, when it became clear that all she offers is not hers to give. It belongs to another…
Example of plagiarism by Lucy Bonham Carter 2011
Read the original article by Lawgistics written in 2008
We were both surprised and flattered to discover that she had lifted a substantial segment of our own published advice set out on this website and told the reader that she had created the work.
Lazy Lucy Bonham Carter really ought to try working for her living, by reading a little about the law and then interpreting what she discovers in her way and not expect others to spoon feed her while she rakes in the money.
It comes down to this; do you really want to take advice from someone who has to raid the larder of her neighbour in order to feed you, or would you rather go to the source of the information, namely people who have worked in the field of law, trading standards, motor industry, chemical industry, motor sport and consumer law for a cumulative 100 years.
We may not be very good at remembering Shakespeare, but we do know our lines and would rather utter them ourselves.
We cover roles within all departments and sectors of the Automotive industry, and are here to listen to your specific needs and find the most suitable candidates to fit your business.