Yes, they are, or at least some claim to be.
We get dozens of complaints about finance companies and/or brokers that seemingly find any justification for unwinding a deal. This is despite what is often very flimsy, or at best, inconclusive “evidence” in the form of an “expert” report that they, and only they, have commissioned to write.
Yet despite such evidence, their ability to predict the future is being proclaimed on a very regular basis.
“The Financial Ombudsman will rule in favour of the customer.”
“The court will determine that the car was not sufficiently durable.”
“The court/Financial Ombudsman/Uncle Tom Cobbly will say that the customer was in no way liable.”
These are just three of some predictions confidently made by various finance providers and/or brokers.
Our advice is don’t be bullied by them. But, that advice comes with a warning too, “don’t always bite the hand that feeds you.”
Many of our members do very well with long-term, repeat business with finance providers. One must always remember that – regardless of merit – it is sometimes worth conceding to a finance provider because refusing to do so may very likely end that relationship forever.
Members are urged to look at the long-term benefits of doing business with finance companies and at the implications of their withdrawing business altogether.

We offer an all-encompassing web, digital & design service specially tailored to the Motor Industry.
Please remember to review the benefits and implications when asking Lawgistics to say “no” to everything suggested by such providers and/or brokers. Whilst their psychic proclamations may occasionally come back to haunt them – your decision to essentially end your relationship may well be far more wide-reaching than any pyrrhic victory in court.