A consumer’s first port of call when buying a vehicle, more often than not, will be to have a look online to see what is available. This could be on a generic platform like AutoTrader or your website if you advertise your vehicles there. Therefore, what is shown in the advert on all platforms is crucial.
The vehicle may look great, but the devil is in the detail. A consumer will be looking for key information on the vehicle’s service history, MOT record, optional extras (if any), and any other information that may entice them to purchase that specific vehicle. Therefore, the accuracy of this information could be a dealbreaker should the consumer find issues further down the line.
You should also check for any generic jargon usage when advertising a vehicle or advertising on your website. If you state that every vehicle comes with a new MOT, then ensure that they do! If this is not possible, make this very clear to the consumer, include this information on a pre-sale document, and gather the consumer’s agreement with such. That way, should they have an issue in the future, they cannot throw any arguments at you that the vehicle was not as advertised.
Whilst it is accepted that some mistakes may happen, you must prepare the vehicles and ensure all documentation with them is correct and accurate. If you have an interest in a vehicle from a potential customer, check the documentation again to ensure the consumer is correctly informed of the vehicle, the vehicle’s history, and all associated information that has been displayed or advertised.
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