A recent ACAS survey commissioned by YouGov has reported that 1 in 3 employers are likely to make redundancies over the next 3 months.
Of the key points:
- 6 out of 10 large businesses said they were likely to make redundancies in the next 3 months.
- For businesses that are likely to make redundancies, over a quarter (27%) said they plan to do this remotely over video chat or a phone call.
- 1 in 4 (24%) bosses are unaware of the laws about consulting staff before making redundancies. This increases to 1 in 3 (33%) where businesses have fewer than 50 workers.
It is no surprise that businesses are continuing to be affected by the coronavirus crisis, and unfortunately, many are having to consider the possibility of making redundancies.
If a redundancy situation is inevitable, it is important that a fair procedure is followed, and the correct payment is issued. Failure to do so could result in a costly legal process for employers.
Fortunately, Lawgistics members can benefit from our redundancy package which sets out all the necessary steps to be taken to ensure a fair process is followed.
If you are a member and have any questions or require any assistance throughout the redundancy process, please contact us on 01480 455500 to discuss.
If you are not a member but wish to sign up and receive support on this process, you will also have access to: our legal helpline, casework support on employment, consumer law and other motor trade related legal issues, and our award winning HR Manager software.
The full survey findings published by ACAS can be found by following the below link:

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