As the Consumer Rights Act 2015 has now been passed we have been heavily advocating that all our clients carry out thorough PDI (Pre Delivery Inspection) checks on vehicles before sale.
A PDI sheet will show your customer that you have acted dilligently in making sure that the car they are purchasing is in full working order with no problems at the time they come to collect. You could also take your customer around the car and do some of the items in their presence, lights, indicators, fans etc, as well as the test drive items. This will make them feel more involved in the process and if your customer has seen the PDI sheet, signed and accepted the items within it, it becomes another layer of evidence that the car was of satisfactory condition at the point of sale.
Many of our clients advertise their vehicles with these checks and we think this is a big bonus that does attract potential buyers. If you are advertising vehicles with PDI checks then you must make sure you have evidence of the checks being carried out and records kept of what you have inspected. Many dealers are using video evidence, not only for this reason, but also as evidence for the PDI itself i.e bodywork, upholstery and the condition of the vehicle in general.
If a problem subsequently arises with the vehicle you will have a PDI sheet signed by the customer as evidence the car was accepted as satisfactory at point of sale. Not only will this mean that consumers cannot accuse you of misleading advertising practices, but it will help mitigate any losses should the customer claim there is an issue with any item on the PDI.
You can purchase Pre Delivery Inspection pads from Lawgistics, or should you require further advice on PDI checks, Lawgistics members can contact the Legal Team.
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