As we draw towards the much colder months of the year; and with it the likelihood of freezing road conditions and with it the increased risk of road traffic accidents (RTA) you should be giving additional thought to the safety of your Drivers.
Driving for work is one of the most hazardous work activities conducted by a huge percentage of employees. IOSH brings together research which it published in this regard. The research examines this important issue and provides advice for employers on how they can ensure their employees are safe on the roads, pointing to resources which are available to Employers and Managers.
Recommended Actions for Employers and their Managers:
As the Employer / Manager then you should:
1. Be implementing your own Policy and Procedures with regards to the Management of Workplace Transport.
2. Ensure that your Drivers are completing their own Vehicle Safety Checklist (this should be a part of your own Safe Systems of Work for workplace transport operations.)
3. Ensure that all vehicles are properly inspected and maintained by competent persons. Appropriate records should be maintained. (In the event of a serious RTA your Insurers, the Police and HSE Inspectors WILL be interested in seeing these Records.)
4. Revisit your Risk Assessment for Workplace Transport Operations and ensure that it reflects working practice and takes account of foreseeable risks to driver safety. You should review this assessment with your Drivers.
5. Make certain that all Drivers have access to adequate information and instruction as to your strategy for reducing risk to their health and safety whilst out on the road.
Please follow the following link.

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