Anyone following the news this week would have seen much discussion about The Government’s new Data Protection Bill.
This was part of the Conservative manifesto and so made its way to the Queens speech but essentially, the Bill which will turn into an Act at some point in the future, is being worked on due to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations).
The GDPR were put together by the EU. Like all members of the EU, the UK have to implement the GDPR by May 2018. On 7 August 2017, the UK Government confirmed they are now working on a UK version of the GDPR which will have wider powers and will take over from the Data Protection Act.
Bearing in mind the GDPR’s have ‘direct effect’ meaning we in the UK have no choice but to follow what they say, the Government need to get a wriggle on if it wants to get its own version out in time for businesses to know exactly what they need to be considering and doing to comply.
In the meantime, businesses need to look at the GDPR for direction.
You can get more information from the Information Commissioner website, perhaps starting with their 12 point checklist:
Preparing for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 12 steps to take now
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