Both part time and full time workers who are doing the same or similar work need to be treated the same. As an employer you cannot treat one less favourably than the other.
Part time workers have the right to be treated no differently than colleagues who are full time in a comparable job role.
This includes:
– Same rates of pay
– Same opportunities to training (don’t exclude part time staff because they simply work part time)
– Same holiday entitlement based pro rata
– Treated no different if workers are selected from redundancy
– Have the same opportunities which are open to full time staff such as career break schemes
As an employer, you will need to provide an objective reason that justifies treating part time staff differently and the reason meets a genuine business need.
If a part time member of staff thinks they are being treated less favourably, and if there is no satisfactory discussion with their supervisor/line manager, they can then ask for a written statement with an explanation of the unfavourable treatment. The response should be within 21 days and if the member of staff is not happy with the reason then they could potentially bring a claim against you in an employment tribunal.

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