We’re exhibiting at the National Automotive Industry Day (NAID) on Thursday 19th August and would love to see you there.
NAID is intended to offer those in the automotive industry the opportunity to meet and network in the absence of other major shows originally scheduled for late 2020 and early 2021. The day will feature speakers from high profile automotive organisations, UK manufacturers and automotive specialists, and include a media and trade reception.
Visit us on Stand NA22 where we will be demonstrating our latest software and talking about how much time and revenue it could save you. You can also catch us on the main stage at 12.30pm, delivering a workshop on how to protect yourself against consumer complaints & compensation claims.

Places are limited to 1000 on this event and we are giving away 50 trade tickets on a first come, first served basis. Hurry to secure your place. All you need to do is email: [email protected] with your contact details and the number of tickets you require.
Main Stage – 12.30pm
Consumers, Complaints & Compensation Claims – Protect Yourself
In a climate where consumers are savvier and ambulance chasers have seen their flight delay compensation cases reduced due to COVID-19 and their PPI mis-selling dry up after the FCA implemented a complaints deadline, the motor trade is now being targeted. Lawgistics are already seeing a rapid increase in the number of both consumer complaints and compensation claims.
At this workshop, Lawgistics will give a snapshot of what claims are starting to emerge post-lockdown and give advice on how dealers can act to safeguard themselves from being on the costly end of an ambulance chasing claim. Distance selling, GDPR & data protection, PCP, emissions and commissions are just some of the areas where dealers can find themselves facing the threat of expensive court action. In one recent case, a dealer received a 52-page solicitor’s letter threatening a court claim.
Ambulance chasing is right on trend. So come along, gem up, and learn how to better protect yourself.